Doula Services



Kindness Fund


Every birth has a powerful story to tell. 

Giving birth is a truly transformative experience that often can’t be described. It’s the start of the next chapter of your family story.  

Having a doula by your side through birth or during the postpartum period means you have an extra layer of comfort and compassion as you adjust to your new life. 

By getting to know you and your family on a deeper level, I’ll be there with you as a reassuring face and empowering voice through every step of your journey. 

Why Choose a Doula? 

  • Instinctively offer comfort, support and reassurance. 
  • Create a calming environment to welcome your newborn.
  • Provide you with the care and compassion you need postpartum. 
  • Empower you to make informed decisions for you and your family. 
  • Answer your questions and provide you with evidence-based information.
  • Provide continuous support to build your confidence as a new parent. 

Birth Doula Services

Doulas have been around for years, supporting women through the experience of giving birth. A doula is a professional, non-medical support during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period.

In reality, it’s so much more than that. I know how precious and intimate these moments are for you and your partner. I’m here to support you as you make the transition to parenthood, whether that’s batch-cooking nutritious meals, doing light housework, or offering night cover so you can get a full night's sleep. 

As a birth doula and postpartum doula, I am here to: 

Postpartum Doula Services

Birth Doula Services 

Each birth has its own special story. 

It’s one of the biggest moments in your life full of excitement and possibility! The time has come for you to meet your precious baby for the very first time. 

As exciting and magical as this moment is, labour can sometimes feel daunting. It’s completely natural to have nerves, but with me by your side as your birth doula, I’ll help to ease any of those worries. 

I provide non-medical emotional and practical support for you and your partner to offer a calm and encouraging presence from early labour stages to giving birth. 

This can involve listening to how you’re feeling physically and emotionally and providing practical support such as massage, breathing and relaxation techniques and comfort breaks for your partner. 

As your birth doula, I’m here to work with you and your partner to create a safe, comfortable environment for your newborn to enter the world. No matter what direction labour takes, I’ll be by your side at every turn. 

Book Your Consultation

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First Time Parents Packages

Encouraging support as you navigate your new role as a parent and welcome your precious baby into your life. 

New parent information pack
12-hour postpartum support
WhatsApp support for the duration of your package

Silver Package


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New parent information pack. 
24-hour postpartum support
WhatsApp support for the duration of your package
1-hour online prenatal consultation

Gold Package


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New parent information pack
50-hour postpartum support
WhatsApp support for the duration of your package
1-hour online prenatal consultation
One overnight support (9 hours)

Platinium Package


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Postpartum Doula Services 

The early days of parenthood are magical as the world outside stops and nothing else exists but the cosy cocoon you create at home with your family.  

Whether this is your first baby or you’re adding to your family, there can be a lot to adjust to at this time. Navigating relationships, adjusting to your new life as a family and often complex emotions can be challenging. 

As a Postpartum Doula, I offer emotional, physical and practical support to empower you as a parent to feel more confident in your new role. 

I understand the true privilege of being invited into your home during this precious time. My work is built on respect, trust and empathy, so you never have to justify or explain your decisions. 

No one is more of an expert on your baby than you. 

Postpartum Doula support includes: 

Emotional support such as birth debriefing, relationship dynamics, understanding normal newborn behaviour and emotional and hormonal changes. 

Practical support such as providing information on recovery, postpartum care, care for your baby while you sleep and feeding support. 

Physical support such as meal planning, batch cooking, light housework, baby care and help with pets. 

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Second Time Parents Packages

Postpartum doula support offers a helping hand as you adjust to the rhythm and needs of a growing family. 

12 hours of support
WhatsApp Support for the duration of your package
Meal planner & simple recipes

Silver Package


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20 hours of support
WhatsApp Support for the duration of your package
Meal planner & simple recipes
Little bag of tricks to keep toddlers entertained

Gold Package


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9 hours Night Support. Travel fees may be included.

Overnight Support


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For the tired parents who need a well-deserved full night's sleep. Rest easy as your baby is cared for overnight. 

"As a mum, Nicky really helped me gain confidence"

doula services  client

Nicky has been a huge help for us since day one. She gave us all the tips and advice to feel comfortable with our first baby. We felt comfortable asking all the questions we had and Nicky found her place really quickly in our home and with our daughter. She really helped us manage the first few weeks with our newborn and as a mum she really helped me gain confidence. I will always remember her advice : trust your instinct. I would highly recommend Nicky“

Frequently Asked Questions

birth doula

What is a birth doula? 

As a birth doula, I provide non-medical emotional and practical support for you and your partner to offer a calm and encouraging presence from early labour stages to giving birth. 

This can involve listening to how you’re feeling physically and emotionally and providing practical support such as massage, breathing and relaxation techniques and comfort breaks for your partner. 

What’s the difference between a birth doula and a midwife? 

A midwife is a medical professional who will provide you with medical care and attention throughout labour and giving birth. 

A birth doula provides non-medical support during these stages, including emotional, physical and practical support to both you and your partner. 

How do you work with my partner? 

I will work alongside your partner to ensure they are also being taken care of. This can look like answering questions in a reassuring, evidence-based way or offering them comfort breaks with peace of mind that you’re not on your own. I’m not there to take over from them but to act as a support and additional comfort to you both. 

What kind of births do you support? 

As each birth is such a unique experience, I support all kinds of births. Whether that’s a vaginal birth, a planned caesarean or VBAC. I’m by your side no matter which direction your birth takes to make sure you’re comfortable, aware of everything that’s happening and supported throughout the whole experience.  

Frequently Asked Questions

postpartum doula

What is a postpartum doula? 

As a Postpartum Doula, I offer emotional, physical and practical support to empower you as a parent to feel more confident in your new role. 

In reality, it’s so much more than that. I know how precious and intimate these moments are for you and your partner. I’m here to support you as you make the transition to parenthood, whether that’s batch-cooking nutritious meals, doing light housework, or offering night cover so you can get a full night's sleep. 

What kind of families do you support? 

My support is inclusive for all families. Whether it’s your first time as a parent, you’re welcoming your baby through surrogacy or adoption or adding to an already growing family. Postpartum doula services are suitable in all homes. 

The beauty of having a postpartum doula is that I’m there to respond intuitively to you and your baby’s needs. 

When should I hire you? Is it too late once my baby is born? 

Feel free to get in touch at any stage of your pregnancy to discuss your options. It’s not too late once your beautiful baby is born. You may feel you need more support than you initially anticipated and that’s perfectly understandable. It’s what I’m here for as your postpartum doula. 

How do you work with my family?

I step in alongside your family to be that additional pair of hands or listening ear you might need. I know how many questions you might have, how quickly the housework piles up and how difficult it can be to open up and talk about your birth with others. That’s what I’m here for, to give you and your family the care, compassion and empathy you deserve at this time. 

If you feel ready to reach out for support, click the button below to complete my initial enquiry form. We’ll start by understanding your needs before creating a personalised plan to support your personal journey to parenthood.


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